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VibrotecnologĆ­a provee diversas partes para implementar sistemas que proporcionen una base didĆ”ctica que permita conocer y experimentar el anĆ”lisis de vibraciones para el diagnĆ³stico de maquinaria rotativa industrial, con bases teĆ³ricas y prĆ”cticas descritas en la norma ISO 18436.2.

Los sistemas pueden tener partes tales como las mostradas a continuaciĆ³n.


High Resolution Double Additive 1/2m F/6.9 Monochromator with Single Grating Turret

The 9040DA double additive half meter spectrometer has been specifically designed for Raman applications, but also functions as a general-purpose monochromator. Special care has been taken to minimize or eliminate stray light wherever possible. By default the monochromator comes with a single grating kinematic mount. Users can manually swap one grating for another without losing alignment. The system ships with one input slit. Please speak with a Sciencetech sales representative to determine the optimal loadout for your particular system, including additional input and output ports, slits, motorized options, and grating selection.Please note that 2 gratings are required for this system, minimum, but are not included.Please see the technical datasheet for more information.

Optical axis height

139 mm

Resolution (with 1200l/mm grating

0.015 nm

Grating Size

Wavelength Accuracy

Wavelenght Repeatability

Linear Reciprocal Dispersion

Special Features

Focal Length

64 mm x 64 mm



0.8 nm/mm

500mm input 550 mm output, one side

Doble Additive, Hight Resolution

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