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VibrotecnologĆ­a provee diversas partes para implementar sistemas que proporcionen una base didĆ”ctica que permita conocer y experimentar el anĆ”lisis de vibraciones para el diagnĆ³stico de maquinaria rotativa industrial, con bases teĆ³ricas y prĆ”cticas descritas en la norma ISO 18436.2.

Los sistemas pueden tener partes tales como las mostradas a continuaciĆ³n.


Double Additive 1/8 m (125 mm) Computer Controlled Monochromator/Spectrograph with USB

In the 9072DA, the inbound light is dispersed by the first grating then passed through an intermediate slit where stray light is rejected and then spectrally dispersed again by the second grating. The double dispersion of the double additive monochromators results in a doubling of the dispersion a single monochromator leading to better optical resolution. The bandpass is half that of a single 9072 monochromator.

Optical axis height

76.2 mm

Resolution (with 1200l/mm grating

0.18 nm

Grating Size

Wavelength Accuracy

Wavelenght Repeatability

Linear Reciprocal Dispersion

Special Features

Focal Length

32 mm x 32 mm

0.2 nm

0.1 nm

3.5 nm/mm

125 x 2mm

Double Additive Monochromator

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